"Home for Easter" by Pastor Welty
Jim Welty
When most people think of coming home for a holiday, they think of Christmas. Families have special traditions that they have enjoyed for years and are much better when the family is together.
In our family, coming home for Easter is equally important. Perhaps that's because of my first wife Stephanie's Armenian heritage. We would have many Armenian foods including leg of lamb, which became shish kabob. The process has theological significance. We cut up the lamb on Good Friday; then let it marinate until Sunday when we skewer it up and grill it. (The marinate is a carefully guarded secret.) My daughter observed that this process reflects what happened to Jesus. He was crucified and laid in the tomb for three days; then he rose from the dead.
Shish kabob and the other Armenian treats are delicious as Douglas Kalajian says: Spring lamb is an ancient rite that cuts across cultural and religious lines. To the Jews at Passover, the Paschal lamb is a sacrifice to God. To Christians, lamb at the Easter table symbolizes The Lamb of God and His sacrifice for mankind. As a kid, I didn’t get it. To me, eating lamb was no sacrifice. It was just…dinner.
Easter is one of the most important days in the church calendar. Celebrating the resurrection of Christ from the dead, and the hope that that brings, is of vital importance to us as followers of Jesus Christ. It is our faith.
It was disappointing to not be able to gather as a family for Easter last year, but this year looks a little more hopeful especially with Governor Lamont's order allowing for more opening of the various activities in the state including houses of worship as of March 19.
So I want to encourage us to come home for Easter. To come back to church and worship our risen Lord together. We will of course continue to wear face masks and strive to maintain the six feet of distance that is required. Also if it is a nice day, the patio doors will be open or at least the patio will be available for fellowship time following the worship time.
And speaking of the patio, we'll have an outdoor Sunrise Service on the patio at 7:00 Easter morning, so if you are concerned about gathering inside, you can join us and worship outside.
Resurrection means a new start, so perhaps this Easter Sunday, April 4, we can have a re-gathering of our church family. I hope that you will prayerfully consider this.
Let's come home for Easter.!