"High Tech - Low Touch" by Pastor Welty
Jim Welty
When I was in seminary, I remember a book entitled "Megatrends" by John Naisbitt. One of the phrases he used was "high tech, low touch". That's a good description of the current state of most of our interactions. We have become dependent on technology over personal interactions. What is fascinating is that the book "Megatrends" was written in 1982. In 2020, we have certainly become "high tech, low touch".
One year ago we started hearing of something called the corona virus. At first it seemed like it was someone else's problem, but soon it became our problem as well as the virus quickly spread around the globe. It's amazing that a microscopic virus has stopped us all in our tracks and disrupted our lives so profoundly.
If I had told you on March 8, 2020 that many of you wouldn't attend a worship gathering for at least a year, you might have thought I was out of my mind, but that is exactly what happened. Our last "full" worship gathering was on March 8, 2020. The following Saturday, we had a memorial service for our dear friend, Betty Shirk. The next day our church was only half full, but that was just the beginning. Soon state requirements limited how many could be in the building for worship. We responded as many churches did by "going virtual". We invested in the necessary equipment, so that we could broadcast our services.
During the early weeks of our worship gatherings being closed to public , our church felt more like a television studio than a sanctuary, and that was novel, but as the weeks went by, the novelty wore off, and I began to miss being together with my church family more and more. Gradually we have opened up and some of you have trickled back in, but I long for the day when we will be able to worship together as an entire family again.
Covid-19 has turned all of our lives upside down. Our big plans for 2020 were left behind as we all had to adjust to our new reality. As I looked back at my calendar from 2020, I noticed that I had to cross out many appointments. In person meetings were replaced with "Zoom" meetings or "Google Hangouts". One on one meetings and "Fellowship Time" conversations were replaced with phone calls, emails and text messages. We have definitely become "high tech, low touch", and I am weary of it.
But now it's a year later, and amazingly several vaccines have been developed to fight Covid-19. I don't know if we'll ever return to what life was like before the pandemic, but I am hopeful that as more people are vaccinated, more might feel ready to return to public worship. I just want you to know that you are all missed, and I look forward to the day when we as a church will be able to gather together again to worship our great God and support and encourage each other in person.