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24 Hawley Road
Oxford, CT, 06478
United States

(203) 264-1045

Harvest Fair

Harvest Fair (2).png


Come join us for a day of fun! Family activities include:

Games, Slinky Races, Pumpkin Bowling, Find the Pumpkin, Bean Bag Toss, Apple Tree, Frisbee Throw, Carrot Ring Toss, Balloon Race, Pumpkin Painting – Judging of pumpkins by age, Egg Toss, Pumpkin Hunt, Musical Hay Bales, Sack Races, Face Painting, Food, Hot Dogs, Fried Dough, Popcorn.

ADMISSION: Please bring a canned good for the local food bank.

*Please note photos will be taken at this event and posted to our website.*